The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Jami Does Drugs

To make a long story short, the Husband poisoned me. You are most likely to be poisoned by your spouse. Actually he got poison something (we aren't sure what - oak, sumac, whatever) and contrary to what they tell you on the Internet, he shared it with me. I had a little patch of it, about the size of three of my fingers. But is kept spreading and itching and looking more and more weird. And seeping. And peeling. Yup, it was gross. I got to the point I itched and burned and spread and hurt so much that I had to go to the doctor. Who said: 1. We don't know what it is and we probably never will. 2. It doesn't matter, because we can still treat it with drugs. Yay drugs! So I'm on steroids and anti-histamines. I haven't had too many side effects, though I do feel like blasting my quads and maybe beating up some nerds. Oh, but when they say "Take with food" they are not kidding. And they don't mean Diet Coke. Apparently, steroids can make your blood sugar drop, and eating nothing but Diet Coke for several hours before you take a couple of steroids does not help that situation. And remember, don't touch your spouse if you suspect he/she might be poisonous.


  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Nick did the same thing to me like a year ago. Lesson learned? Don't weed.


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