The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Jami and Will

If you haven't read my blog much, you might not be aware that I adore Will Smith. Mmmm, Will Smith . . . . I, uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah. So the Husband manages a video store, and the movie "I Am Legend" was out recently. It came to the store with a nice tall Will Smith stand-up. I called dibs on it and began looking for good places to put it as soon as I saw it. So, imagine my horror when I heard the assistant manager mention that the guy who'd asked for it had picked it up! "Picked it up as in lifted it?" I asked the Husband hopefully, "And then put it immediately back down?" Alas, no! He had given away my Will. A weaker woman might have wept, but I held it together. The next day - surprise! Will is in my house!! Another store had given us their Will! Now, he's not totally life-size, but still. The dilemma became: Where to put him? I felt on the ceiling of the bedroom might be a bit disrespectful to the Husband, though he claims he wouldn't mind. The living room would be great, but to be totally honest, a 5-foot Will doesn't really "go" with the decor. So Will's on the wall in the bedroom, held up by oodles of super-strength double-sided tape. He's right in front of where the treadmill unfolds so that when I'm walking, I'm heading for Will. If I get nice and skinny, it'll be thanks to him. Well, goodnight, folks. I'm going to go up snuggle into my comforter and gaze lovingly at Will. . . ..

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