The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Jami Loves Eddie

Ode to Eddie My baby is the most perfect child to ever grace this Earth. My child is the sweetest boy to which humans have given birth. My son is the smartest child in all of humankind, The most talented toddler anyone will ever find. My boy is so beautiful that strangers stop and stare and when they talk, they compliment his smile, eyes and hair. My child is well-mannered, gentle, kind and good. He does what other mothers wish their children would. So yes, my son is wonderful, in every single way, And I am thankful for him on this and every day. This poem was written while I pretended not to notice that he was pulling down all 150 books out of my bookshelves and scattering them around my dining room.

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