The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Jami and the Annoying Commercial

I am sure others have blogged about this in random places, but there is a commercial airing AGAIN this year that makes me crazy (crazier). It's for a local amusement park, Kennywood, and it starts with a nice voice-over man saying something like "if you're like me, the words 'KENNYWOOD'S OPEN' means that it's summer". No. NO NO NO! What idiot wrote and approved this ad?? To every native Pittsburgher, and probably plenty of transplants who have lived here a good while, "Kennywood's open" means that your fly is down. And, if someone is yelling it, as the person in the radio ad is, it means that your fly is down in front of a large group of people who are now laughing at you. So let's assume that some out-of-town agency scripted this masterpiece. They never heard anyone politely mutter "hey - Kennywood's open" so that they can inconspicuously fix the problem. Okay, but then someone at Kennywood must have approved it. Who works for Kennywood and doesn't know that?? It's just wrong. Please, people, write a more appropriate commercial that doesn't make you look so stupid. Thanks.

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