The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jami and the Annoying Phrase

I lose stuff. It's because I have the ADD and set something down without realizing where I'm setting it and the next thing you know I can't find my keys, because they're in the veggie bin in the fridge (that only happened once). Losing stuff is frustrating, but I am getting better. I have a hook for the keys and they do end up there about 80% of the time. But that's not the point. The only thing that annoys me more than not being able to find my (fill in the blank: shoes, purse, phone, glasses, toddler) is when someone says "It's always in the last place you look." Of course it's in the last place you look because once you find it (stay with me here) you stop looking. Therefore you don't look in any additional places. Even if it's in the first place you look, that's still the last place you looked because you found it, so you didn't look anywhere else. Why would you?? I don't get this saying at all. I could understand "It's always in the last place you think it would be" or "It's always in the last place you'd expect" or something, but to tell me it's always in the last place you look is like saying "it's always where it is". I don't know why this doesn't occur to everyone, so I'm just telling you. Next time someone tells you about a day spent searching for their _____only to find it in the ______, just say "I wouldn't have expected to find it there." Please, with all the stupidity in this world, don't add to it by repeating the obvious. Thanks so much.

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  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Kind of like, "Wherever you go, there you are"... Well, DUH!



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