The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jami, Woman of Mystery. Or Not

The other day, someone totally accidentally offended me. And did so in a way they probably meant as a bit of a compliment. In a conversation about people who were struggling with things, a woman who knows me at the slightly-better-than-acquaintance level said "That doesn't really apply to you, because you were fine" (referring to this past year or so). She meant well, I'm sure, but I felt slighted and at the time didn't really even know why. It's because I wasn't always fine. And I don't know, I guess I'm a bit insulted that someone would assume, that just because I don't walk around wailing and broadcasting my pain that I don't have it. Who are you to presume you know my heart? I see you once a month or so, and therefore you know that I didn't struggle? Or, do you think that my problems aren't as bad as yours or others' so therefore, my pain doesn't "count"? I jump to conclusions as much as anyone alive and I'm sure I've misjudged more than my fair share of people. And as a fairly open person, I don't have big ugly secrets and I don't act mysterious about my plans. In fact, the thing I am most likely to not tell you is when I'm down. Or hurt. Or scared. Or sad. But that doesn't mean that I never am.



  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Oh, yeah. Like you didn't lose your job in the last year??? When people talk about things being okay for me, I just kind of want to drop the mom with cancer thing in. Like, hello, it was a stressful fall! And winter! And spring! And then add in the rest of my life, and sure it's a good life, but there's lots you don't see. People are idiots.


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