The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jami Thinks We Need More Choices and Less Choices

Why are there literally hundreds of laundry soaps for me to choose from, but only three (and soon only two) candidates for the presidency? Does this make sense to anyone? I thought about this at the store the other day when it occurred to me that one of the problems we have is way too many totally trivial choices. I watched an older woman and her adult son try to figure out which garbage bags she needed. She really sort of gave up and chose one almost at random, despite her son wondering if it was the correct size. "I just don't care". I watched a mother with two small kids in her cart reading the labels on laundry detergent. For just one brand, just one brand, mind you, there were more than 30 options. Not including fabric softeners, additives, stain removers. Just laundry soap. Just one brand. How is this necessary? Why are they still introducing more? Improve it, or it leave it. We don't need to hit 40. And then I got into my car to go home and heard a talk show host lamenting the choices left to us in the upcoming election. Hillary? Obama? McCain? And most likely, it'll be just McCain and one other very soon. For my clothes, I can pick from literally hundreds of probably equally good choices, but for the leader of my country, I get this or that??? A friend of mine from another county told me that in his native country, especially in local elections, there can be upwards of 20 candidates for a position. Now that's choice where it should be. I don't have a solution, I'm just suggesting that maybe it matters more who runs my country than whether my hoodies smell "Rain Fresh" or "Spring Breeze".

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  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    The problem is, most people don't even do their homework on 2 candidates, let alone 20.

    But, given the mediocre choices this year, I might just be voting for myself. I couldn't do any worse than McCain or HilBama

  • At 8:19 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    That's an excellent point, Jim. A wealth of candidates can't overcome voter ignorance.


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