The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Jami's Head Explodes

This afternoon I had a headache. Not your regular throbbing variety, but one of those ones where you begin to worry that your brain might be trying to escape through your eyes. And of course, I have a two-year-old, which is not conducive to headache reduction. Even though my little boy has recently decided he doesn't need a nap, I decided he needed one today. Or at least some quiet time alone in his crib while mommy took a handful of Aleve and a nap. I got him a cup of milk, and over the noise of the evil elf hitting the inside my head with the sledgehammer, explained to him that I'd put whatever Baby Einstein that he wanted in, and that he had to sit quietly and watch it because mommy needed to take a nap right now. I started the one he chose (Language Nursery) and rocked him while the familiar caterpillar crawled across the screen before the opening of the show. Then the video started and the normally soothing voice started speaking gibberish. Now, if you're a normal person, you'd probably figure out what was going on. But, since I'm me and was partially incapacitated as well, I immediately realized: I must have had a stroke. Being contingency girl, I know what to do. I turn to the mirror and smile, both sides are equal, whew. I can raise both my hands over my head, individually and together. I say to Eddie "Say 'I love Mickey Mouse!'" Eddie, annoyed, but a good boy, complies. I can see out of both eyes. Hmm, not a stroke, then. At which point the DVD voice switches to German, which I recognize. And it occurs to me that a video called Language Nursery might be an introduction to other languages, which of course, it is. It's just more proof that my brain doesn't work right. I did get a nap and my headache is gone. But it still doesn't think like everyone else's, I'm sure.


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