The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jami, Eddie and the Giant Bunny

As you may have surmised, we attempted a visit to the Easter Bunny. The Bunny was scheduled to be at our regular grocery store, and they hadn't set up much hoopla that might make things more intimidating, just a sign, a large chair and a basket of eggs. I figured that a low-key atmosphere in a familiar place might be a little easier for a first meeting. For two days, I talked it up with Eddie. "We're going to the store and we're going to see the Easter Bunny. He's a nice bunny who is as big as Mommy." We had a brief discussion of who else the Bunny would be as big as, including all of his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and friends. Yes, the Easter Bunny is as big as all of them. Eddie was psyched. He was going to talk to the big Bunny. He was going tell him that his name is Eddie and he's two-and-a-half and he likes trains and he wants candy. We were set. You know, until we actually saw the Easter Bunny. Walking into the store, Eddie kept asking "Where is he? Where is he?" Then we spotted him, and Eddie said "Okay, done!" Lucky for us, we arrived at a slow time, so Eddie had a chance to sort of walk around the Bunny a bit. Grab the proffered jelly bean filled plastic egg and scoot away. Study this massive rabbit for awhile. We got a picture of him standing in front of the Easter Bunny. It'll be in on Tuesday, so we'll see. Really, I can't blame him. I'd have to admit, if I saw a rabbit more than twice my size, I'd be gone so fast I'd probably leave one of those cartoon-smoke outlines of myself behind, no matter who reassured me that he is a nice bunny. It's just not right. Also, can someone explain to me why most Easter Bunnies tend to have a vest and bow tie on? Why those two particular articles of clothing? Why not socks and a scarf? Why not pants and a derby? It's just odd. Who wears a vest and a tie, but no shirt or pants? Just saying.

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  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    It's like the pant-less mice in Cinderella. Why is it essential they have hats and shoes and shirt, but not pants???

    I don't get the Easter Bunny. What does he have to do with Easter? At least I can sort of work Santa in, but man, the Easter Bunny? Why is he huge and gives us candy? Is he a mutant bunny or something trying to turn his life around?

  • At 11:51 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    That's an excellent point. Why the bunny? Why not a nice fluffy chick or a magical sprite?


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