The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jami Catches Up

Friday was a bad day. Not giant tragic things, just one of those days where stupid things go wrong and everything is frustrating and you just want to scream. Nothing I wanted to share, so I poured all my feelings into a blog post about a friend I had who purposely drifted away. I really loved the way it turned out, just exactly what I wanted to say. Then I posted it and got an error message. Grrrrr!!! So I go to where they save them, since they auto save and it had saved . . . the first 5 words. "Sometimes I wonder where you" AHHHHHHHHHHH. Couldn't reconstruct it, couldn't even bear to try. Saturday went better. Good parts: Dinner with MOPS group, Improv featuring Kevin Smith and Seth Rogan. Bad parts: waiting in freezing temps 1/2 hour past the time the show was supposed to start (although we enjoyed the other couples around us), the rude people who talked through much of the show and losing an hour's sleep. Sunday was fine. Monday - um, normal. And today. It's the Husband's birthday. We had dinner at Red Robin (yummy!) and Eddie fell asleep in the car on the way home. I went to MOPS, for the first time in a month due to snow cancellations. We're going to have tea and watch TV and chill. See you tomorrow.

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  • At 7:52 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    I have had lots of posts just up and disappear on me like that. It's really frustrating.


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