The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jami's Husband May Need Glasses

I only rarely poke fun at the Husband, because he's a great guy. And I always make sure he's cool before I post anything. This I had to share, though. Yesterday I worked and the Husband was off. I still made lunch and attempted to make dinner (it wasn't thawed enough, so we got pizza). So, when the time came to put Eddie to bed, I offered the Husband a choice: put the boy to bed or clean up. The Husband looked around at the floor, so covered with toys that to take a step, you have to push them out of your way with your foot before you put it down, at the table 3/4 covered with his various tools and documents, the lunch and dinner dishes still on the counter, the kitchen trash can filled to the very brim. Then he looked at me without a hit of humor or sarcasm and asked, in a confused voice "What needs cleaned?" (NOTE: the missing "to be" is a Pittsburgh dialect thing). I am not kidding you. He could not figure out what needed to be done. I hear this malady is not uncommon to men. The complete inability to see something which requires cleaning. I hope to find a cure, someday.



  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Tawnya Shields said…

    Hi Jami,
    Men truly are boys trapped in mens bodies.

    I wanted to stop by to say thank you for stopping by my Friday Deast last week. I took a much needed blogging break and now getting around to reading my comments. Thanks again.:)

    By the way I am a native of PA.
    I am from south central PA. the little tiny town of Mercersburg. :O)

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Ha ha ha. I think I've trained Loki enough that when I say things need to be cleaned up, he knows what I mean...and he hasn't pointed out that I don't really need the "to be." That'll mark me as non-native Pittsburgher for the rest of my life. :)


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