The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Jami Dreams a Little Dream of You

Well, not all of you, but my dream last night featured three of my regular friends/readers: PW, EDW and Patrick. Also, two celebrities. Basically, EDW, PW and I were scheduled to appear on Dr. Phil. I'm not entirely sure why, I think it had something to do with people who blog. Patrick told us he lives close to where they film Dr. Phil (not true in the waking world) and we could stay with him. When we got to Patrick's house, it turned out that his wife was not at all happy about the arrangement. She didn't believe we had been invited there for the Dr. Phil show, she believed we were "some internet hos" that Patrick had "ordered up for himself". Not the best hostess, she called us very not nice names and even spit at us. Nonetheless, we stayed at her house, since Patrick had set up a nice little work area where we all had laptop docking stations. We had Dr. Phil call Patrick's wife to explain that we three happily married women were not purchased online, and after talking to her, Dr. Phil decided that they made a better story than the three blogging girls, so we were out and they were in. Disappointed, but not out of options, PW, EDW and I went to a casting call for a commercial. They were looking for a "mother type" which we decided that at least one of us must look like. Piers Morgan did the interviews and none of us were chosen. So we all went bike riding, Piers included. I guess overall, it's a good trip if you get to go biking with Piers Morgan.

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  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…


    That is very funny. :)

    What say you, Patrick? Would your wife believe that Jami, EDW and I were internet ho's? :)

  • At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



    You just know this is going up over at my place, right?

  • At 1:18 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    I totally love this. It's awesome and hilarious at the same time.

    We need Internet Hos Tshirts.

  • At 12:39 PM, Blogger BeccA's Buzz said…

    I love the 'ordered up for himself' part, as if it were Vegas. Too funny! I don't know anyone in the dream very well except Patrick and his wife, so I read it from a different perspective and thought it was hilarious! Sorry you didn't get into the commercial either but like you said, at least you got to go biking with Piers Morgan (if that's something you'd like to do).
    I have whacked out dreams too...they can be quite entertaining. It's a great idea for a post, especially if they happen to contain my blogging friends.

  • At 10:01 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW: of course she would, look how hot we are.

    Patrick: He he he.

    EDW: I am down with the T-shirts.

    Becca: Interestingly, I don't know Patrick personally or his wife at all, just through his blog. I personally don't like bike riding, but in the dream it was fun.


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