The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Jami is Melting . . .Melting . . .

Remember the scene in Biloxi Blues where Matt Broderick's character complains about how hot it is in Mississippi? I've been hearing that in my head for about two weeks now, because dang, it's HOT! The thing is, I try not to complain too much about hot, because I despise being cold. I hate being cold worse than being hungry or tired. I hurt when I'm cold and as I get colder, my instincts tell me to curl up somewhere and sleep. By the way, this is the exact wrong thing to do if you're faced with the possiblity of freezing to death, unless you want to wake up face-to-face with your Maker. So, since I kvetch plenty about the cold, I make a conscious effort to lay off whining as the heat index climbs. I will make a exception now, as we finish up what feels like our 103 consective day of highs in the 90s with humidity in the range that I belive is technically called "ridiculous". Cliche as it is, I don't mind hot when it's not sticky. We've visited Vegas enough times that I know I can be totally happy when the mercury hits 104, because the air in Vegas isn't retaining enough water to fill a new lake. In fact, I love Vegas and my biggest complaint there is that they keep the casino air-conditioners set to "Penguin Habitat" so that I have to take a sweater if I'm planning on being inside and that just makes me nuts. But I digress. The point my tired, sweaty, melting brain is trying to make is that it is that the combination of hot and humid is killing me. It's too unpleasant to clean. It's certainly too miserable to exercise. It's too hot to take a proper (read: hot) shower. It's too humid for my dang clothes to dry on the line - I've got a load on the line that's been hanging there for days and is still approximately as wet as when I put them there. It's too sticky to carry the baby around, too hot to get into the car, too exhausting to go to the park. It's even so bad that I haven't been able to bear the idea of putting a heat-generating laptop on my lap and blog. Here's what you've missed in my life: - Yesterday my son turned two. We had his party last week. I'll have plenty to say about this once I stop crying about how my baby isn't even a baby any more. - We went camping this past weekend. It's usually the one where we build the boat, but a combination of factors led us to ditch the whole boating thing and just hang out and camp. Good fun. - I managed to install an AC in the playroom, and even though I've always espoused a general distasted for conditioned air, I'm so in love with this thing now that the Husband is starting to look at it suspiciously. - I spent all last week dressed as a Viking, yelling "Ya!" and sweating off 1/2 my body weight, but somehow I still weigh the same. And the biggest one - My best friend M is engaged! Congrats to M and to the man brilliant enough to recognize her greatness and propose to her. So, how are you?

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