The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jami and PW Hit the Stage

Okay, I know I'd promised Part Two of me against nature, but I had the greatest dream last night and I have to share. PW brought me a flyer about a huge concert being put together right here in Pittsburgh - open to any band touring in the late 80's or early 90's. I showed only mild interest, I'd wait and see who would be there before getting excited. But PW hadn't been talking about going to the concert, she wanted us to sign up for the concert. I didn't understand, so she explained further. She wanted us to go to the organizers and tell them we are the Indigo Girls. She had it on good authority that they wouldn't be there, and we both like them, so why not just be them? I have to admit I went along with it somewhat reluctantly, seeing as we look nothing like either one. Also, to the best of my knowledge, PW is not big on the singing in public. And neither of us plays guitar. But she seemed to think that these were not really problems. So we went to the open sign up thing and told them we were the Indigo Girls and they believed it, we were in. Oh, and behind us in line, Cher. The next part of the dream was the concert itself. We'd apparently procured a "band" - two guitar playing chicks and a drummer. We were backstage getting ready and I was so nervous I thought I'd upchuck, which is my normal pre-performance state. For whatever reason, we had decided not to rehearse, and PW had put together our playlist, which I had not even seen. The stage was arranged with two benches, one which PW and I sat on and one for our band. Our music stand had the playlist, and the first title listed was "When I Went To School" which I'd never heard of, and as far as I know, is not a song by the Indigo Girls or anyone else. PW hadn't provided lyrics, apparently assuming I'd know them, and she just started right in. I faked a coughing fit and a stagehand brought me some water. By the time I'd had the water, PW had gotten through the chorus once, so I joined in the next time, making up harmony as we went. The rest of the songs I knew, and at the end we did "Closer to Fine" as an encore. I couldn't believe we got away with it. There's no moral or meaning, I think, but I had a great time.

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  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Ha ha ha!

    That's the greatest dream ever. And why couldn't we be the Indigo Girls? contraire (sp?) mon ami, Jami. I do like singing in public (for some strange reason) and I can play the guitar...okay, barely. But I can. :)

    See? We can still be the Indigo Girls!

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    OMG, I had a dream this week that I drove in a snowstorm to P'Burgh and met PW and Loki and you!!!!

    I think it's dream about PW week.

  • At 3:47 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    PW - Excellent! Let's hit the tour circuit!

    EDW - PW is a powerful force in the this world, we can't question that.

  • At 12:32 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…


    Hmmm, did I say that out loud?



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