The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jami Vs. Nature, Part II

Sad, but true - I've been fighting the weeds in the patio for approximately a year and a half. As of this morning, they were still winning. I pull them, spray them (last year with something that had a warning not to drip anywhere in the yard because nothing would grow there for two years) and step on them. But still they survive and thrive. This year, I've gotten another type of weed killer, applied this morning, and something optimistically called a Garden Torch. It's a cute little mini blow torch that I can use to burn the weeds once the killer starts doing its job. Don't worry, I'll wait until the baby is safely in the house and the Husband in standing by with a freshly charged extinguisher before I try it. The weeds make it hard to use the patio. It's not that I hate wildflowers, I just don't want the weeds to overtake the furniture - is that too much to ask? Also they trip the baby, and I think they attract bugs. We all know how I feel about bugs. I went out and pulled the weeds before spraying the poison, feeling that the less of the weed that was there, the better. Guess what I found? The weed clumps were hiding ants!!! That's right - you all thought I was all crazy and paranoid, but here my two largest nemeses conspired against me. Ha. I knew those plants and bugs were evil. After I put down a nice layer of weed killer, I knocked down the newly uncovered ant holes and escape hatches and filled them with the ant killer. I pondered, briefly, calling someone who did better in chemistry than I did and asking if combining the two would create a risk of explosion, but as a lifelong geek, I know that the worst that would happen is that I end up with super powers and then have to decide whether to use them for good or evil. Oh, who am I kidding? We all know I'd descend into evil, even with the best of intentions. Lest you all think I'm a heartless earth-hater, we have a bird (possibly robin) nest above our kitchen door. This is the second time birds have moved in there, and I'm thrilled. Last time I got excited each time the baby birds hit a new milestone (got feathers, spread their wings, etc.) This time I can't see into the nest as well, but I'm still looking forward to them like an expectant aunt. Last year I named the babies Frankie, Petey and Sir Featherbottom. I'll keep you updated and if I can figure out an angle that I can use to take a picture, I'll get one for you.

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