The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, January 01, 2007

And a Happy New Year

Hi folks and welcome to 2007. We ended up hanging up with some friends for the New Years, and had a great all-grown-up time - no one cried or peed themselves, which actually, wouldn't be that surprising for our outings . . . While we're on the subject of 2007, can we make this the year that we take the "and" out of the year name? I'm talking to you Professional Media, politicians and everyone else. The year is "two thousand seven" not "two thousand and seven". The "and" would indicate either a decimal point - 2000.7 or two numbers, 2000 and 7. I don't understand how this started; I mean, did you ever say "nineteen and eighty-four"? Of course not. So knock it off. And yes, I know how nerdy that is, but it's bugging me, so let's all make it our resolution to stop that. That's one you can keep even after you've stopped exercising, restarted smoking and ate an entire cheesecake :D

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