The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Tagged! By the Infamous PW

Tag of Four Four jobs I've had: 1) Avon Lady 2) McDonalds "crew member" 3) DJ 4) Project Manager Four places I've lived: 1) Finleyville, PA 2) Pittsburgh, PA (three locations) 3) Edinboro, PA 4) - sorry, that's it Four favourite foods: 1) Mac and Cheese 2) nachos 3) hot pretzels 4) nice, thick, juicy rare steak Four movies I could watch over and over: 1) The Princess Bride 2) Star Wars 3) Serenity 4) Dodgeball Four TV shows I enjoy: 1) The Simpsons 2) Scrubs 3) Boston Legal 4) Lost Four places I've travelled: 1) Guatemala 2) St. Maarten 3) San Fransisco 4) Toronot Four places I'd like to visit: 1) Cancun 2) London 3) Ireland 4) Italy Four websites I go to daily: 1) Gmail 2) 3) the Dilbert Blog 4) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Four people I tag to do this list: Hmm, how about Patrick, Jim, EDW and, uh, you.


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