Where's the Shame?
I overhead someone the other day say "I'm not ashamed of my past, because I can't change it." Which is stupid. You don't need to spend your life obsessing over the shame of doing wrong, but that doesn't mean you no longer are ashamed of it. You work to repair it, you use that shame to prevent yourself doing it again, but you shouldn't stop being ashamed of it.
I believe the lack of shame in this society is something that is truly bringing us down. Shame has a purpose! If you have 4 babies by 3 men, and never married one of them, you should be ashamed. If you cheated on your spouse, if you stole something because you wanted it, if you got yourself addicted to drugs, if you embezzled, if you tricked a little old lady out of her savings, if you hit your kid, if you are able to work but scammed your life off of welfare, if you sued someone for a million dollars because they called you "honey"- You SHOULD BE ashamed of that. These things are wrong. They break down our society - it's not just about you. You can move on, you can feel good about yourself and the changes you've made, but you shouldn't be proud of past bad behavior, no matter how far you've come.
Someday, I'll do a nice long post about the "no judging" idea, but let me just say, what you do affects me. It affects my kid. It affects the world I live in. I don't have the right to legislate morals, but I do have the right to tell you - you should be ashamed of what you've done.
At 7:35 PM,
Liz said…
Jami, I'm with you - but where did this come from? Daytime TV? Real life? What prompted it?
At 9:52 AM,
Jim McKee said…
Great post!! I agree 100%!!!
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