The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I've Got the Whole World in My Bag

Oh my, three posts today and not even two o'clock. Ah well, not much else I can do at the moment. The systems are shut down, the clients notified, the email turned off. As I mentioned in a previous post, I intended to go out on my lunch break and treat myself to a few things I won't have as convenient access to once my office and home become the same place. I just got back and as I unpacked my bag, realized that: 1. I bought only food. This makes sense - stuff you can pretty much get anywhere, but food is special to the place it comes from, excepting McDonalds and the like. 2. I did a pretty good "world tour" of food. I have:
  • A fresh hot gyro from the middle eastern grocery - that's lunch. (Most stores here have hot food as well.)
  • The hot and spicy noodle soup I love from the chinese grocery. It's sooo good and clears the sinuses. I bought several bowls in a couple different flavors to put away for later; the woman at the checkout looked at them and smiled "Anh - you like the spicy, hunh? Me too."
  • Dark chocolate covered whole strawberries, from the french chocolate store. I'll eat one here, one there -they'll last awhile.
  • Pepperoni roll from the bread bakery. It's got an italian name, but really, it's just the absolute best place to buy bread. That's going to be tomorrow's lunch.
  • An apple mele and a raspberry mele from the italian pastry shop. One will go with lunch after this fantastic gyro, one for tomorrow.

If I had more time and more money, I could've eaten lunch at the vietnamese/thai/chinese place that has decent food but seriously lousy service. I stopped in the well-known seafood store, which also has exotic and game meats; I did ponder the goat, - I guess I didn't realize people ate them, just milked them - but my father-in-law, the intrepid hunter, is bringing us home some venison, so why buy meat? Not that I'd've bought the goat anyway. How does one even cook that? I'm fairly sure my Betty Crocker cookbook will be of no help.

Oh - the gyro is delicious, almost gone. I think I'll have the rasberry mele, and maybe, just maybe one little strawberry . . . .


  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Food is the thing I miss most about former offices. From the deli that made me a chicken salad on a roll as I walked in the door, to the cheap but delicious Italian, I mourn the old food haunts.

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Oh, the Strip District....


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