You Learned to Bounce a Ball
Today is my first official day as a real stay-at-home mom (abbreviated on all the cool mom boards as SAHM). Friday, I was technically not employed, but I have to admit I didn't do anything. I slothed about and fed and changed the baby as necessary. I shrank his brain by watching daytime TV while he was around. I think we ate Fruit Loops for breakfast. Ah well.
I loved today. For the first time, we blew bubbles without me watching the clock and thinking about what needed to be done before work or bedtime. I did laundry and dishes and vacuumed, we giggled and played play-doh (and discovered that all the colors taste the same - bad). Eddie learned to bounce a ball. He constantly amazes me with how quickly he picks things up and how fantastic it is to see him "get" something. He found a rubber "super-ball" type ball and carried it around, most of the morning, unsure of what to do with it. He tried it out in a few of his toys, but since most of our house is carpeted, no bouncing.
Then, we were in my bedroom. It's got hardwood floors. I took the ball from him, held it above his head and dropped it. From the first bounce, his eyes lit up - whooo hoo - look at that!!!! He chased it down and brought it to me to drop a few more times, before realizing he could do it himself. Oh the joy of a bouncy ball. Fantastic.
When things like this happen, I think of writing a journal for him. 12/03/06 - Today you started answering the question "What does the dog say?". You say "Broof, broof, broof!" in a higher pitched voice that still sounds like Joxer. 12/04/06 - Today you learned to bounce a ball.
But I know the way that will go, because I know me. This month, there'll be something every day. Then every few days. Then it will go something like this "03/11/07 - Today you did a somersault for the first time. 06/12/28 - Today, you graduated high school." And the next baby, his would say "You were born, then some stuff happened, now you're married." Poor subsquent children. My baby book has intimate details, letters my mom wrote to me when I was an infant, a lock of hair, a baby tooth, pictures, family tree, you name it. My brother's has his full name and the day he was born.
Eddie learned to bounce a ball today. What'd you learn?
At 10:55 AM,
Paperback Writer said…
I learned that I shouldn't sleep in such a position that I pin my arm underneath me for the entire night. It makes my arm hurt. A lot.
At 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's sweet. :) I did the baby journal to give Juli when she's older. It has a few entries from when I was pregnant with her, a few from infancy, and a few from toddlerhood so far. I meant to write in it weekly but I'm lucky to get to it every few months now. lol Its a nice idea though. Congrats on being a sahm, it sounds like you guys are having fun! :)
At 2:40 PM,
Jami said…
PW - sorry to hear it, hope you're better.
Other Jami - Thanks, we are. I am doing a baby book for Eddie, but it's more of the fill-in the blank kind "For your First Birthday, you got:_______" MUCH faster :D
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