The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Feast

Feast One Hundred Twenty One Appetizer Which language would you like to learn and why? I want to learn: Mandarin, because it's the language more people speak than any other and I want to be cool, too. Spanish, because I think I can pick it up. When we were in Guatemala, I felt like I was getting a little bit of it. Sign Language because it's not well enough known by non "native speakers" and I'd like to be able to communicate. Maybe Japanese, no real reason. Soup What's the funniest thing you've heard or read so far this week? Hmm, that's hard. Nothing is coming to mind,though the Dilbert Blog is usually good for a chuckle. Salad Which movie was so bad you couldn't watch the whole thing? Let's see - Mad Dog and Glory, Donnie Darko (sorry, all you poetic cool people, I just couldn't get into it), THX 1138, and The Pink Panther, which I actually did watch all of, but I had to because the baby had fallen asleep on me and I couldn't reach the remote. The new one, which should have been good. Movie, not the baby. Main Course If there were a holiday in your honor that didn't use your actual name, what would the day be called? Curly Girl Day - a celebration for those who love their curls? Slug Day! Celebrate by sleeping in and then laying in bed reading and watching movies. Dessert Name one movie which is coming out soon that you would like to see. Probably The Pursuit of Happpyness. Mmmm, Will Smith goodness.


  • At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, Dilbert is always good for some laughs :D

  • At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice feast! LOL..Slug day...I love it. Kind of goes along with my Sleep Day. =)

  • At 11:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Your main course was great. Thanks for feasting

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    That's okay that you didn't understand Donnie Darko.

    But Slug Day? Love it!


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