The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Very, Very Cold Friday Feast

Whoops, missed last week. This week isn't up yet, so . . Feast One Hundred and Twenty Two Appetizer What was your very first job with a paycheck? "Nursery Director" - I ran the church nursery during the church service. It paid $20 a week. Soup Did you ever lose something really important to you? I have, on several occasions. Sadly, what occured to me first was when I was pretty young, maybe 7? I had a plastic bracelet with pictures of Spock on it. Yes, Spock, I adored him - what of it?? I was very, very careful with it, because I tend to lose things and every day I put it in the same spot on my dresser. Then one day, it wasn't there. I really, honestly believed that someone had broken into our house and stolen my Spock bracelet. I even cleaned my room (!!!) looking for it and it never did reappear. Salad What is the best Christmas present you ever received? I think my waterbed was a Christmas gift. I miss my waterbed. I had to give it up when I got married because it was a twin. Aerie got it, so at least I know it went to someone who loves sleeping as much as I do. Main Course Tell about a favorite "hang out" place for you and your friends when you were in high school. We weren't into "hanging out" at too many special places, although after youth group we normally went to Skidgy's. Mostly we hung out at people's houses. Dessert Name something that always brings a smile to your face. The Simpons, Treehouse of Horror V - the Shinning, when Homer goes crazy.


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