The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, November 24, 2006

For This, I Give Thanks

Well, another Thanksgiving come and gone, more turkeys mercilessly devoured, potatoes mashed and pumpkins pied. Isn't easy to forget that the holiday isn't about gorging ourselves and laying around for a day or so, but one of giving thanks to the deity of your choice or to simply recall how lucky or blessed we are? I don't want to get preachy or boast about who gives thanks and how, but here's my thought: The things I am most thankful for, are the things that I feel compelled to give back, give to others. I am grateful for having (more than) enough food, and so I made a turkey for the church near us that delivers Thanksgiving dinners to shut-ins or serves it to anyone who shows up. I am thankful that when I was a teenager, people cared enough about me to volunteer their time, so I teach Sunday School and do activities with our teens. I am most thankful for the love of my family and friends, and so I love others. The list of things I am thankful for is longer than you want to read, and it would probably read similar to yours, if you're honest with yourself. Most of us have healthy bodies, warm homes, a way to provide for ourselves, and so many luxuries that we forget what necessities are. God bless you this holiday. I am thankful that people sometimes read this blog, too. PS - one more thing - often, around these holidays we remember those we've lost. While we are sad that they are not with us, let us give thanks that they graced our lives for the time they did.


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