The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


If you hadn't heard, the Fox network planned to air a two-part "special" (and I use that term loosely) featuring OJ Simpson discussing how he "might" have murdered the mother of his children and an innocent bystander "if" he did it. of course, he swears on a stack that he didn't. The show was being released in conjunction with a book on the same subject. I wrote my horrified response here. Thanks to the outrage of the American public, who seem to have finally found at least one clear moral fiber, Fox announced yesterday that they will not be airing this travesty. I like to think my previous blog did the trick, especially the part where I tell them to be ashamed of themselves. Shame's not a big thing in our country, we seem to have misplaced it, but more on that some other day. Now, the show was taped and edited, the books have been published, so I assume it's only a matter of time until the tape is "leaked" to YouTube or something similar and the books are stolen, lost, and sold on eBay. I'm sort of okay with that because there is some justice in his "not really a confession" getting out to the general public without him being compensated for it. Currently, it is my understanding that some investigation is going on into the so-called third party corporation which received what would have been OJ's pay but claims it didn't get to him. We'll see. Thanks for finally standing up, America, and saying NO! to something just because it's wrong. Good for you, Fox, for coming around for once, and admitting that TV can go too far, and then not doing it.


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