Didja Know?
Recently EDW posted a list of interesting facts about herself. Because I have nothing better to say today, and because, hey, I'm a fascinating person with many facets, I decided to do the same. Call me an idea-stealer, but a good idea's a good idea.
1. I love wearing PJs and I wear them almost every moment I am at home.
2. I rarely eat breakfast foods for breakfast. Some of my favorite things to have for breakfast are hot dogs, chicken noodle soup and hot pretzels (not together).
3. I have a large birthmark on my left shin - people seeing it for the first time often say "What did you do to your leg???"
4. I hated my curly hair as a kid, but now I love it and wouldn't straighten it if I could.
5. My brother is three-and-a-half years younger than me, but in my head, he's still just barely out of high school.
6. I've had jobs as: a nursery supervisor, a McDonald's "crew worker", an Avon lady, a pizza shop working, textbook and test reader for the blind, dishwasher, telemarketer substitute (never got called in), youth director, radio talent/producer, promotions director, insurance office receptionist, and a variety of positions at the software company, and this list doesn't even include the stuff I did while temping.
7. I love salt. I can eat it plain.
8. I hate shopping and the mall, though I don't mind shopping online.
9. I wear contacts from the time I get up until just before I go to bed.
10. Hot baths and hot tea cure most of my ailments.
11. I'm lactose intolerant.
12. I can't STAND to not know stuff.
13. I'm even more of a grammar nerd/snob than I let on, but I have trouble with the lay/lie/lying/laying one.
14. Shiny objects distract me.
15. I am a hugely social creature who loves to be out with friends, but as much as I love it, I love my time at home alone, too.
16. I love TV and TiVo and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
17. I frequently narrate my life in my head, just like on Scrubs.
18. I've been friends with M for more than 20 years.
19. I drink way more Diet Coke than I should, but I don't plan to stop.
20. I can stop drinking when I'm tipsy, but when I'm drunk, I won't stop on my own.
21. I've smoked about 6 cigarettes total my entire life, the first two were "trying it" in high school/college. The others were at parties when I was drinking and suddenly decided I needed one.
22. I considered being a lawyer, but decided Law School was more work than I wanted to do.
23. I once drew a smiley face on my butt with instant tanner, pretty much just to see if I could.
24. I like granola mixed in my yogurt, but don't like either one separately.
25. When I worked at the insurance place, I ate a grilled cheese and ham sandwich almost every single day for lunch.
26. I can't stand touching salt/pepper shakers or other condiments in restaurants.
27. I'm self-conscious about my teeth because I wore braces for 4 years and had really crooked teeth before that.
28. My hands and feet are always cold.
29. I want to get micro-mini braids but think I'd probably look ridiculous.
30. Sometimes I am shocked that I am not famous by now.
31. I think my feet and Eddie's are adorable, but everyone else's are gross.
32. I've had long nails since I was in 6th grade and was allowed to start growing them.
33. I learn best by doing.
34. I'm a huge flirt, I'm good at it and I love it.
35. I am fiercely competitive.
36. Growing up, I had an almost phobic fear of balloons (the latex kind, not the mylars). I worked hard to get over it,but they still make me a little nervous.
37. I've met Mr. Rogers, Weird Al and John Tesh.
38. I had 14 teeth pulled, total - they were baby teeth and the roots never dissolved.
39. I love a good pun.
40. I've been to both coasts, the farthest south and north you can be in the 48 contiguous states.
41. I played the flute from 4th-12th grades, also played the piccolo, the trumpet and the bells for a year or so.
42. I love boots and I'd buy about every pair I see if I could afford it.
43. I sing in the shower, very loudly.
44. I pick up accents if I talk to someone with one too long.
45. My first boyfriend dumped me over the phone, and then asked for one of my friend's phone numbers so he could ask her out. I gave it to him.
46. I won $500 at a church fair once.
47. Forty-seven is my favorite number.
48. At age 4 I decided my name was Cynthia and refused to answer to Jami. My parents were afraid I'd start kindergarten not answering to my own name.
49. I don't like salty and sweet together, like chocolate covered pretzels.
50. I wanted to get to 92, but I didn't post anything yesterday, so I'll post this now.
At 1:11 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
You know, for as long as I've known you, (five years?!?!) I didn't know that you found feeet to be gross until I posted the picture of mine up.
That just means there's way more to you than I've ever thought possible. ;)
At 10:48 AM,
Jami said…
Yes, I am indeed complex . . ..
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