Didja Know, Part 2
I started this post a few days ago, hoping to get to 92 interesting facts about yours truly. I posted the first 50 here, and here come the rest.
51. After I eat spaghetti, I have a plate of "clean" noodles.
52. I love to eat breakfast sausage links cold the next day.
53. I would play card games or board games all night long if you want.
54. I took five years of German in school, and by German 5 actually read two novels in German. Of course, now, I can't even remember how to say "give me that weinerschnitzel".
55. I waited in one of the lines for Phantom Menace tickets, and didn't get any.
56. My dog has several shirts, sweaters, a set of PJs and a Halloween costume.
57. I write with my right hand, but mini-golf left handed.
58. Once I fell asleep at work.
59. If I suddenly became wealthy, I'd get several more kids and dogs.
60. I've seen Beauty and the Beast on stage 5 times.
61. I told my next door neighbor the truth about Santa when we were in first grade, and she called me a liar and ran home crying. Her parents told her she was right, I was a liar. Several years later, she apologized. Her parents never did.
62. I can relate most situations to a Simpsons episode.
63. I've read every book in the Xanth and Pern series.
64. I asked a boy out once and when he turned me down and laughed at me, I vowed never to do it again, and I never did.
65. I went to Las Vegas to see a movie premiere with other fans I met on a fan site and some of us were in costume. And I'd do it again.
66. I can watch the same movie over and over or read the same book over and over and laugh and cry in the same places.
67. I sleep with my head totally under the covers and sometimes under the pillows, too.
68. When I was born, I had three living great-grandparents. All four of my grandparents are still alive.
69. I hate ketchup, mustard and mayo.
70. I enjoy doing the Electric Slide, even though that makes me a giant dork.
71. I have all three seasons of Invader Zim on DVD.
72. I love to wear baseball caps, but think I look silly in them.
73. I have never told anyone that I hate them.
74. I learned to cook and do most things with one hand so I could read while doing them.
75. I have put shingles on a roof, attached vinyl siding to a house, installed dry-walling and built a railing.
76. I have a hard time with left and right.
77. Car trips always make me fall asleep, when I'm not driving, of course.
78. I've taught pre-school sunday school and jr. high sunday school.
79. I hate overhead lighting. Flourescent lights give me headaches.
80. Movie and theatre audiences are annoying me to the point of being confrontational.
81. If I'm awakened in the middle of the night, I wake up angry.
82. I watch People's Court and Judge Judy every week day.
83. I had two dinners tonight.
84. I've eaten escargot, shark, fox, squab, squid, and all your basic game meats, and I'd probably try insects in certain situations.
85. I've been mad at the Husband for things he did in my dream the night before.
86. I have four email accounts that I check at least once every few days. I have another one I check maybe once a month.
87. I get cockier when I'm insecure.
88. I dated the Husband for two years and a half years before he proposed, we were engaged a year and half.
89. I started kindergarten at age 4 and could read.
90. I broke my big toe twice, but no other bones.
91. I can ice skate and roller skate.
92. This is the last Didja Know for awhile. I'm out of stuff about me :D
At 2:05 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Clean spaghetti? Okay. :)
At 2:15 PM,
Jami said…
clean noodles (also called "naked noodles") are spaghetti noodles with no sauce or anything. Somehow I'm just not "done" if I don't have some clean noodles to wash down the saucy ones.
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