If you haven't heard, OJ Simpson has a two-part TV special airing soon on Fox, called "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened", to help promote his book "If I Did It" coming out next month. I find this to be the most despicable, horrifying thing I've heard in years. Even now, a decade after infamous and embarrassing trial, I can still hear Ron Goldman's sister's sobs as the verdict came down, allowing this monster to go on with his life after destroying countless others.
Murder isn't a crime limited to the victims, it causes years of grief and pain for the victims' loved ones. A court decided he was responsible for the death of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson and awarded the family a monetary amount, not that money can heal their pain, but because the man should be punished in some way, and still they've never seen a cent. You may have heard that Simpson had to sell his belongings, and he did - to pay his legal bills.
The Goldman and Brown families now must hear that he has a book and TV special, STILL CLAIMING he didn't do, but "guessing" how it would have happened if he did? It's sick, it's cruel, it's heart-wrenching. I can't even imagine the anguish they this new repulsive development is causing these people who lost their daughter, sister, mother, friend, brother, son.
OJ - I doubt you read this blog, but if you do - Maybe you have even convinced yourself that you didn't do it. Let's even say you didn't. Exploiting this situations is murdering these people over again, spitting on the graves of at least one person you must have loved at one time and to put yourself in the public eye, jokingly or not, talking about this heart-breaking situation is repugnant. If you are innocent of this, shut up and never, ever speak publicly of this again. Ever. If you're guilty, do the families a favor. Come clean. Sincerely (if you can) offer your apologies, useless as they might be now. Do whatever you can to get them the money, and for crying out loud, ACT SORRY. You'll end up paying for this one way or another, in this life or the next.
OJ supporters - OJ is not the poster boy for the wrongly accused. I've heard people say "If he was guilty, that's just justice for all the black men falsely accused." No, it isn't - one guilty man going free does not atone for an innocent man convicted, it just doubles the injustice. OJ isn't a poor black kid with no hope and no resources who was racially profiled! He's a RICH, famous athlete and actor who had everything he could have wanted. The LAPD had nothing to gain by framing him, and everything to lose if that would have happened. Go here for information about how ridiculous the idea of a police set-up is.
Goldman and Brown families - I still cry for you, I still pray for you. I can't imagine how much the circus around the hardest thing in your life multiplied your agony. Nothing will bring your loved ones back, but please know that we don't believe him and we are as horrified by this as you are.

Fox Network - You should be ashamed.

At 1:08 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
When I heard it on tv today, I thought this can't be right. He can't seriously be doing this. But he is. And it's despicable. And I'm not at all surprised that it's going to be on Fox. Fox home of Temptation Island.
At 6:31 PM,
Liz said…
That used to be one of my defining questions for friends - you know those quizzes that go around? Well, I made up one and "OJ - Innocent or guilty as hell?" was one of the questions. Every one I know, no matter their race, answered Guily as Hell.
Of course he's doing this. He has no shame, no morals, no decency. This is the man that used to beat his wife, remember? He's scum.
Ok, off my OJ soapbox now.
At 10:06 AM,
Jim McKee said…
I heard this on the news yesterday morning. I was totally shocked.
At 10:47 AM,
Jami said…
PW: Good point. What makes me saddest about Fox is that they have had some quality shows, like Firefly, Arrested Development and Action, and they let them lanquish and die, and instead promote crap like this, Temptation Island and Family Guy.
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I totally agree. The whole thing just turns my stomach. He is lower than low.
At 11:26 PM,
Unknown said…
Hello. Fox has no shame.
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