Some Random Photos
Subtitle - Jami Plays With the Camera
My camera has settings I didn't know about, which I found after PW mentioned hers did. So here is the Husband, in sepia. Usually, he's a more colorful fellow.
This is our dog, Joxer. He's half daschund and half chihuahua, or what we call a dash-chichi. He got to be the guinea pig for our black and white feature.
These are the two bouquets of roses the Husband got me for our 10 year anniversary. I love roses, they smell so good and are so soft besides being so beautiful. When I got home from work on our anniversary, the red ones were in the living room and the peach ones were on my night-stand. He's the best, isn't he?
This is Eddie, sleeping sideways in his crib. This totally cracks me up because he does this all the time, and last night when his legs were sticking all the way out, I slid him back into his crib, and without even waking up, he sidled his way back and sideways until his legs were out again. Sometimes he'll even have his hands coming out the other side!
This is just me playing around with the camera. I'm actually giggling in the photo because I was trying to see myself in the LCD viewscreen, and realized I must look like a total dork.

At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just had to say.. its so odd to find another "Jami".. and the fact that we're in the same city.. and both have dachshund mix dogs... and a young child... just eery. lol
(sorry.. you don't really know me.. but I check out your blog from time to time since I came across it.. I used to have one here too but deleted it when i started a new one... as I said, I'm another Jami in Pittsburgh.. with a young child.. and 2 dachshund mixed
At 2:06 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Nice pictures. Isn't it fun to experiement with your camera?
At 2:24 PM,
Jami said…
Other Jami - you'd be surprised at how many other Jamis have left me a comment. We're a friendly bunch, I guess.
PW - it is fun. I didn't get into using the digital until we got this new one and I was surprised how it changes your picture-taking mindset.
At 9:56 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
Oh, yeah! Suddenly, you find that you have this long undiscovered talent of photography!
At 11:24 AM,
Jami said…
I don't know if I'd call what I have "talent" but I'm having fun!
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