The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why I Won't Time Travel

(at least, within my own lifetime) Do you look like the image in the mirror? I don't know about you, but I usually am vaguely surprised to see me in the mirror. I don't quite live up to how I look in my head. I wonder how many of my memories are like that. What if I went back in time to witness one of my fondest memories only to see that I am not nearly as witty or charming or adorable as I recall? Ugh, that would be horrible! I specifically remember times at various camps that might fit this scenario - one of which - I flirted with the cute guy counselor and clearly he was responding. If I went back in time and saw a gawky awkward teenager being mildly patronized by an overly polite guy, ugh, kill me now. Or if the time I got the lead in the play and I thought I totally rocked the house - what if I was simply young and (thereby) cute and everyone overlooked the fact that I stank up the joint?? It would be too terrible. No, I like my memories the way they are. I like the me that lives in my head, even if the stupid mirror keeps showing me this other girl. Reality is nice and all, but maybe just a bit overrated.


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