The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I Need Supervision

So far today, I have: Tried until really frustrated to slip my foot into what I thought was my shoe, but was actually part of my computer cord. Thought the microwave vaporized my lunch - I took it out, stirred it, started up the microwave, turned around to get a napkin and when I looked into the microwave, it was empty!!! No explosion, no fire, just totally gone. After about 2 seconds of shock, I realized my lunch was sitting ON TOP OF the microwave. Started a very small project for a client that needs to be done today and takes about 10 minutes tops, and somehow in the middle of it, got distracted and forgot I was doing it. Wrote a sentence that went "the system changes the status to the status in the system" which made perfect sense to me when I wrote it. Apparently opened the same document at least 5 times simultaneously. I kept closing it, and it was still there! And these are just the things I realized I did. Don't worry, I checked, I am wearing pants.


  • At 9:15 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Yes, but are you wearing a shirt?

  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    The shirt definitely, because it was a new Ralph Wiggum shirt the Husband bought me. And, when I brush my teeth, I can see in the mirror if I'm wearing a shirt. For that reason, if I'm going to leave the house without something, it'll probably be pants. Although, to be honest, one day last week I almost left for work with no shoes on, not that anyone would care . . .

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    I have days like this. i thought I lost my watch, was frantic looking for it, and there it was right where i put it. I sometimes back out of the driveway and do the check - wedding ring? Watch? shoes? ok, good to go!


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