The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday Morning Tidbit

I have a longer post I'm writing in bits to post later, but . . . Weren't we supposed to be on the 4-day work week by now? With computers and fax machines, email and copiers, weren't we supposed to be productive enough to get an extra "weekend" day? Is there anywhere more comfy than your bed? Mine is a nice queen size one from Mattress Factory with a one of those memory foam mattress covers. It has a memory foam pillow, my 25-year-old falling-to-shreds down pillow and Madrid (full-length body pillow). Sometimes I also use the Husband's pillows, too, and my giant stuffed bear Sammy. Right now, we have one comforter, and in the winter, I need at least one more blanket, usually I end up with two comforters. Mondays especially I appreciate how perfect it all is, and then I have to get up out of it.


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