The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Jami Goes to Gymboree

Okay, technically, it's Eddie who was enrolled in Gymboree today and attended his free trial class. But he didn't experience the excitement (we're trying something new!), the anticipation (will it be fun? Will he be good at it?) and the insecurities (what if the other parents are all rich, snooty, manicured moms with a half-caf, low foam, extra soy smoothie-chinos in one hand?). One of the neat parts of parenting, I'm learning, is the new-ness of everything. Everyday Eddie discovers, figures out or learns something that I take for granted or hadn't really thought about. Now the excitement is back - remember playing with a parachute in elementary school? When the teacher got out the parachute, I did! I thought "Oh boy! I love the parachute!" Eddie wasn't so sure about it, but he'll learn. One child crawled after the parachute when the teacher tried to put it away. So now we're signed up for classes and "free gym" time. I can't wait to see what's next! Oh - and the other mommies and daddies were all very nice and friendly, not a Starbucks cup in sight, and everyone was in jeans or jean shorts.


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