The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Little of This, Little of That

Eddie has mastered standing unaided. Walking is still hit-or-miss, but standing? He's got that one down. So sometimes, just stands. Picks a spot, pulls himself onto two legs and just . . . stands. It's a new trick, so for him, that's an interesting activity. I like to imagine adults doing that. "Whatcha up to, Bob?" "Standin'." "Oh yeah, I love a good stand." Last night, the Husband and I are ready for bed - in our PJs, house locked up, teeth brushed, getting comfy in bed - when I realize I'm hungry. Nothing too shocking about that, I'm always hungry, but I was hungry for something . . .what do I want . . .. and it hits me - "Chicken McNuggets!" I said it out loud when it occurred to me, and then I wanted them so badly I could taste them. Of course, I had to explain to the Husband why I just said "Chicken McNuggets" at a time he was expecting something more like "Good night!" He checked the clock and said "McDonalds is still open - want me to go get you some?" Isn't he sweet?? He was serious. When I said no, he asked again, was I sure I didn't want him to go? So you can see why I love him . . . I'm going to make a template for my responses to clients. It's going to be a form email that says "Dear (Client), The problem you described in your email of (date) is not a problem with the software. It happened because you (stupid thing they did). Also, you requested the system do that because (stupid reason they had for that which I tried to talk them out of) which, as I mentioned might cause (the reason I tried to talk them out of it). Thanks, Jami" Update: We did go to bed without McNuggets that night, but the wonderful Husband bought them for me for lunch the next day


  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Yes, he's a good one.

    I don't like to "just stand," but I do have a habit, when tired and sitting on a couch, to raise my left arm and just let it "hang there."

    Very comforting and I have no idea why I do it.

  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Reminds me of when I was with my ex, and I went out in the middle of the night to get her chocolate when it was her time of the month. (In the winter, no less.)


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