The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Jami Doesn't Recommend It

I have to admit, I'm a big fan of home remedies. I'm sort of a "fight with all you got" kinda girl, so when I have a problem, I like to attack it on all fronts, with the traditional "western" medicine and whatever home remedies make some sense to me. Example, the rubbing Vicks on your feet - no, that doesn't make sense. I can't smell it from there and all it's going to do is relax my feet. When I have a cold, I hit with the Zi-Cam, then whatever cold medicine I have around; steam, Vicks, rest, hydrogen peroxide, heat pads, and as I mentioned here - McDonalds double cheeseburger and Mike's Hard Lemonade. Therefore, I'm always listening for new home remedies to try. In a store yesterday, I am busily scanning things and minding my own business when a nearby woman has a coughing fit, that cold that's going around now. Her friend says "Oh, you gotta try this, my sister-in-law just told me about and swears by it." I perk up my ears (figuratively), prepared to commit it to memory. Brace yourself, because this one is a doozy. "Okay, so you get three Halls, just the regular ones. You put them in a mug and pour a can of Dr. Pepper over them so that it starts to melt them. Then you put it in the microwave until the Halls are all melted and the pop is hot and you drink it as fast as you can. She swears it totally cures any cold." And your appetite, I'm guessing. Cured mine just hearing it. That can NOT be good. While I am sure that the Halls already melted is good and warm liquids always help a cold, but I'm going to take a pass on that one. Did my McDonald's cure last week - works every time. I'll stick with that.

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  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    Wow, that's something huh? Does it make you throw up, too? ;-)

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    I'd have to think so. maybe it makes you so queasy you forget you're congested.


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