The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jami Wonders About the Price of Food

Sure, the price of food is increasing. If you haven't noticed, you're oblivious or so rich you don't care. I'm a big fan of the store-brand/off brand/generic type stuff, usually good and much cheaper. There are things I am willing to pay a little more for. Example: I buy Diet Coke. I bought the Aldi's brand Diet Fizzy Medicine Flavored Metal Water, but I didn't care for it. Caffeine addicted as I am, I couldn't even finish the case of it, even when I was totally out of other pop. I don't mind paying a little more for companies I can get behind. I've been hearing commercials for Food From the Hood, a company started in a garden of a city school which now helps kids afford higher education, through the magic of capitalism. Anyway, their commercials are disturbing to me, just a bit. One line is "Buying our salad dressing sends a kid to college." I haven't seen the cost of their salad dressing, but either these kids go to incredibly cheap schools, of their dressing is well out of my price range. I'd like to suggest to them adding the word "helps", as in "buying our salad dressing HELPS send a kid to college." See, a little clearer. To sum up, food is expensive, some food is worth it, but no one condiment should profit enough for an entire college education.


  • At 11:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    The cheap sodas are usually okay for the fruit flavors, but for the cola variants, you gotta stick with the big boys. (Diet Coke for the win.)

    The problem, however, with fruity sodas is they are way too chuggable. I can knock a 12-ounce down in two gulps. Diet Coke I have to nurse.

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    Ok, that was hilarious. From the "metal flavored water" to the salad dressing sending a kid to college! You're right, they need to reword it. Yet another reason companies should hire more English grads.


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