The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Jami Explains Why She Hasn't Been Posting

I haven't posted in a couple of days and I am not really posting much tonight. See, I want to, know I should, post about the fact that on Wednesday Eddie turned 3. Three years old! But I just am having a hard time doing it. Dang, it's hard. My baby, still a baby in some ways, but more not. More a kid. I'm not ready to give up his baby-ness, even as I'm so proud of every step he takes away from it. Parenting is so hard in some unexpected ways. I cried when I put him to bed the last night he was two. It was the end of something ineffable, that I can't even begin to explain. Three years and three days ago, he was an idea, a theory, a someday. Now he's the biggest part of my everyday and I can't even fathom living without him. I joke about letting people take him for a week or so, but I go to work for a few hours here and there and can't wait to get home to him. Happy Birthday, Baby Boy. I'll try to really post about your birthday soon . . .

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