The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Jami Should Not Be Left Unsupervised

The Husband was out of town last night. When we're alone, I give Eddie his dinner, but don't eat and then after he's in bed, I have dinner by myself in front of the TV. Usually I get a pizza, but I decided to just enjoy the Eating In Front of the TV with My Choice of Shows without spending the extra cash. So, off Eddie goes to dreamland and I come down to raid the fridge; I find some salad mix, leftover grilled chicken, salsa, and know that there are chips in the other room, I'll toss it all together, break the chips on top and have a nice healthy taco salad. Good plan, right? Then I think: Maybe I'll throw some shredded cheese on top, too. Hey - speaking of cheese, I have nacho cheese in the freezer. I could thaw that and add that. Why not? I'm not having the pizza, after all. While the cheese is thawing, I continue to think . . . Why not just get the stir-fry veggies out of the freezer cook them up and toss them with the chicken? Mix all that with the cheese and salsa and eat that with the chips. . . That sounds good. . . Sure, it's not as healthy as the salad, but there's still veggies and grilled chicken. And the salsa, that's good . .. As I start to heat the cheese, I decide that it's really just too much effort to stir-fry the veggies. And really, if I save the chicken, then I can have the salad with the chicken tomorrow. That's right, I start off with grilled chicken on spinach and I end up with . . a bowl of melted cheese and chips. And I did throw in the salsa, so hey, it's good for you, right? Also I made a hot pretzel, so it wasn't just chips. Hot pretzels are low fat. It's all good. Sadly, this is typical of me when left alone with the kitchen. If I'd be eating with Eddie, none of this would have happened. I can't feed my kid nothing but chips and cheese for dinner. If the Husband had been home, I'd've at least made the veggies. But left to my own devices, nachos for dinner. Sigh. He's going away again in September, for several days. Anyone want to come and monitor my eating?

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