The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Jami Ponders the Wrong Movies

For those who aren't aware, the Husband manages a video store. Therefore I have been privy to all the secret inner workings of video rentals. It's not as exciting as I make it sound. Fairly regularly, people return movies to the wrong store. The most common, at least at the Husband's store, is a movie returned to a different store in the same chain. Easy to do, I guess. Or people figure it's all the same company, right? The store managers make regular trips around to trade all the confused movies and it all works out. Then you get the people who return the movie to the wrong company. This takes a higher level of not paying attention, as the boxes generally have the store name right there on them. "Hmm, this says Bob's Movie Rentals, but I'm sure that it goes back to Movies, Movies, Movies." The competitors make nice for hostage exchanges. It's that common. Once the Husband even got on that had been borrowed from the library. But yesterday, he had a new one. One we'd not seen before. Movies returned to the store that were not rental movies. Someone had dropped movies in the return box that were in the original box, no store label, not from the library. And, they were porn. Not your hardcore stuff, a couple of the "Girls Gone Wild" variety. So what would possess someone to donate their personal porn to a rental store? I have a few ideas:
  1. Let's say Bob owns some porn, but his beloved wife doesn't know. One day, while cleaning out his desk, she finds these videos. She doesn't want them in the house, but she also doesn't want them to take up space in the landfill. Wasteful, you know. So she figures she'll take them to the closest video store and hopefully some lonely single man will get to use them. Recycle, reuse and all.
  2. Bob is about to get married. He knows his wife-to-be will not be happy to find these videos in his underwear drawer. He thinks about selling them or pitching them, but he still wants the option of viewing them when he gets the chance. He figures he'll take his favorites to his normal rental place so that when he knows she'll be out of town, he can at least go rent them.
  3. Bob borrowed these videos from a friend, but now he's forgotten who. He's too embarrassed to start randomly asking friends if they had lent him porn, but no one has mentioned them. He decides to drop them at the video place and then if someone asks him about it, he can point them in the right direction.

These are my theories, but really, I guess we'll just never know.

CORRECTION: The Husband has had this happen before, but not with porn. This is even more confusing to me, why give a perfectly good non-porn movie to the store?

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  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    That is really rather bizarre!


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