The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jami Is Minty Fresh

Why is mint the flavor of clean for our mouths? Sure, they've been adding cinnamon to the mouth-cleaning flavors, but mostly, our toothpastes, mouthwashes, even our floss is mint flavored. We think mint tastes clean, but is that because we grew up with minty freshness? If I got someone from the outer regions of nowhere, a place in which neither mint nor toothpaste is readily available and gave him a mint would he think "Gee, my mouth feels clean"? Mint doesn't clean. If it's a clean scent, why aren't soap, shampoo and household cleaners available in mint? When it comes to tooth cleansing, apples are supposed to be good. Perhaps toothpaste should be apple-flavored. In nature, carnivorous animals clean their teeth by chewing on bones. Herbivores chew on tough grasses. Salt water and sun exposure help the plover (small bird) keep a croc's teeth clean. I don't think that Bone, Grass, or Salt-and-Plover flavor mouth wash would sell well. Guess we'll stick with mint.

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  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    They DO make mint shampoo and it rocks!!!


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