The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Jami's New Friend Jill

Jill is the name of the voice on my brand-new GPS doohickey, which the Husband and I bought with the Christmas money from my parents (thanks!). I love gadgets, of course, and with my deep-rooted fear of being lost (see here) a GPS is a natural fit. I like Jill, she's pretty helpful. Sure, she got confused when I decided to go home a different way once I knew where I was, but we made up and we're cool. She makes a nice little BING noise and then gives direction in her super polite way "in 300 feet, turn left onto Main Street". Her map shows me where I am and where we're headed and even what time she thinks we'll arrive. The first time I set out with Jill navigating for me, I apparently thought I could turn off my brain once Jill started talking. First intersection, first direction, Jill tells me "Turn left on Library Rd." and what I do? Start making a left directly into oncoming traffic. This is where a live person might have an edge over Jill. An actually human might respond along the lines of "AHHHHHHHH! What are you doing?" whereas Jill seemed totally fine with me killing us both, as long as I was doing it in the proper direction. This happened one more time, before I got the hang of listnening to, but not necessarily immediately obeying Jill. It did make me wonder what I'd've done that first time if Jill had asked me to drive into a building or lake or something. "Okay, left into the brick wall . . ." WHAM! But overall, I like Jill. I might try out British Man voice, though he has no name. There's Emily, who is also british, and an austrailian voice whose name I've forgotten. The rest of the voices speak a variety of foreign languages, which may be fun, but probably somewhat less helpful, as I don't speak any other languages.

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  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Jill is a good name...Loki asked me if I wanted one of those GPS thingys. After some really hard thinking I said no. Perhaps, one day I will.


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