The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Weird Fears, Part II

If you didn't read yesterday's post, you might want to start there. Otherwise. . . My other weird fear is my totally unreasonable belief that I can get permanently lost. Yup, I really, really believe that if I drive to a place I've never been, there is a good chance I'll get lost for good and never find my way home. A friend once said to me "As long as you have gas money and a cell phone, you'll eventually find your way." That may be logically true, but I just can't make my brain understand that. I think "What if I'm somewhere and can't explain to anyone where I am? What if no one around knows how to get to anywhere that would help me get home?" I've no idea where I acquired such an odd phobia. I don't think I ever got lost as a child, and no one I know just wandered off and was never seen again. I'm generally adventurous, and not afraid to go new places. I've flown by myself several times, with and without people meeting me there. I'd happily get on a plane back to Guatemala by myself right now. I'm not afraid this will happen when walking or on public transportation. But driving alone - that's when it will happen. Here's how it will go, I'll be driving to a city I've never driven to, perhaps Chicago. I'll memorize the directions and print them out in HUGE print so I can glance over and read them easily. I'll have a map and phone numbers and all that. Then, suddenly and without warning, there will be something missing from the directions, or a street name that doesn't exist, or construction, whatever, and I'll no longer be able to follow the directions. I'll stop to ask for help, place after place, getting more scared as each person says "I don't know how to get there" or "I've never heard of that place". I'll call everyone I know, but what can they do? They don't know where I am. Eventually, I'll just have to rent a room and start a new life there. Lost forever. It could happen.

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  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Jim McKee said…

    Nah... Worst come to worst, you could always call the non-emergency number of the local police department. I've had to do this before, and they've always been tremendously helpful, no matter where I was.

  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Word Jim. Word.

    Yeah, I know. Irrational fear and all. :)

    But you have a reader (moi) who can get lost and find her way back with no problem. :)

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Jami said…

    Jim: It sounds so reasonable and yet my unreasonable fear says things like "What if there's no police there? How will I get the number? What if even THEY can't find me?" See, you can't reason with blind terror :D

    PW: Good to know, I'll start taking you with me.

  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger Liz said…

    Have you read "The Ladder of Years" by Ann Taylor? A woman gets on a bus and just gets off somewhere random and starts a new life.

    I learned as a kid, that when in doubt, go east to get home. Works almost everytime...unless I'm already at the beach!

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    That's already a book? Dang, I had that idea a few years ago, but never wrote it.

    I did learn that if you are lost in Pittsburgh that if you keep making illegal turns you'll eventually gets home. I don't recommend it, but it worked twice for me when I was in high school.


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