The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jami's Newest Conspiracy Theory

Oh yes, friends, the world is out to get me. Just 'cause I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't coming after me, sigh. It's not easy being me. The latest - applesauce jars. In the past month, I've had three jars of two different brands of applesauce in this house and all three jars were virtually unopenable, by yours truly. I've opened plenty of other jars, no problem. It's just the applesauce. For all of them I've had to try all your basic tricks to open, with the exception of the one where you whack it on the counter. I'm too scared to whack a glass jar full of goo on my counter, since the potential for disaster is too high. Twice I had to procure the Husband's assistance. Of course, for him, it just popped right off. There's just no other logical explanation than that the applesauce industry is trying to make me insane. Where can I turn when I can no longer trust my groceries? It's a cold, scary world.

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