The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Jami Storms into 2008

So, first it was Christmas, then I got sick, then Christmas again, then all that after Christmas stuff, and finally my computer crashed but now I'm back. What, you didn't have two Christmases? You'd better get more relatives! Judging by the toys scattered throughout our first floor, I'd guess Eddie had about 17 Christmases, but I'm beginning to suspect the toys breed at night. Just a theory. Also, I'm still working on the Christmas cards, so if you didn't get one from me yet, well, no one has, so don't feel bad. So I've been certified to be out on my own at work. You may remember (or you may not) that I'm working for a market research company and it involves me visiting local stores and scanning various products' UPC codes and that's as much as I can legally tell you. Anyway, over the past several days, I went to 4 stores and I've come to the conclusion that I look to friendly and helpful. Customers in the store asked me an estimated 573 questions in the 8 or so hours I was in the different stores. Mostly the questions are "Where is the (random product)?" Since most of the stores I'm not that familiar with, I have to explain that I don't work for the store, and I'm sorry, but I don't know. I am usually greeted with skeptical glares - I can almost hear them thinking it sure looks like you work here. But they wander off to ask someone more helpful. A few asked me about sale items - again, I don't know, sorry; skeptical glare. Don't get me wrong, I help when I can, but I don't have the foggiest idea where this store stocks the sauerkraut that's on sale. One guy asked me for Ambesol. I said "I'm so sorry, I don't work for this store, so I don't know where it is." He went over, said something to his wife, who immediately came back over to me and asked me where the Ambesol is. What is the thinking there? That I lied to him, but I'll tell her?? That maybe he misunderstood me or I him, so she was going to clear this up? OH, the Amebsol? I thought he asked me for illegal steroids. I began to believe that people were specifically seeking me out; sometimes they walked past seemingly scores of eager-to-help-looking store employees in their brightly-colored store employee vests and large print name tags, pushing them out of the way to make a beeline right to little old unhelpful me. My only conclusion is that I look too nice. Our dress code is business casual, but maybe I need to go a little meaner. Maybe a nice studded leather collar? A big scary tattoo on my neck? Or I could start rocking and talking to myself while I work. Of course, that's the type of person that normally seeks me out for a good conversation. Well Happy New Year. Here's hoping 2008 will be a great one. Sorry I've been away so long, but now I'm back, baby, with so many fun things to tell you about.

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