The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jami Recommends More TV on DVD

Here are the ones you've most likely heard of but maybe never got around to watching: M*A*S*H (all 9 seasons available) The Lowdown: One of the all-time great series following a unit of doctors, nurses and others drafted into the Korean war. One of the first series that managed to have a perfect balance of comedy and drama, M*A*S*H will make you laugh and cry, sometimes in the same episode. I'm usually surprised to talk to people who never watched it, because I think it's got universal appeal. And less icky-ness than most of the medical dramas to follow. Don't Miss Moment: Hawkeye's hilarious "Tuttle" eulogy, bidding farewell to his imaginary friend, who most people believe is real. Final Word: I know 9 seasons worth of shows seem daunting, but if you want a good ensemble cast, moments that will stick with you and a comedy with serious heart, start this series. SCRUBS (6 seasons available) The Lowdown: In the spirit of a medical dramedy with heart and soul, Scrubs is a sit-com like no other you've seen. Centered on insecure Doctor John Dorian (J.D.), the series starts with the first day of his residency and follows his life in and out of the hospital (mostly in). J.D. narrates parts of the show, drifting into Ally McBeal-esque daydreams and fears. Smart, funny and full of well-rounded, well-written characters, this show sucked me in and quickly became a favorite. Don't Miss Moment: Though there are tons of smart jokes and touching moments, my absolute favorite is when hapless Ted, the on-staff lawyer, slips on his flop-sweat and does a header into a conference table. The table he hits is so shiny you can see his reflection come up and bounce off of him. Silly, yes, but oh-so-funny. Final Word: J.D.'s brand of nuttiness is close to my own, and if you watch this show, you'll get a better idea what goes on it my head. MY NAME IS EARL (2 seasons available) The Lowdown: Earl Hickey, a lowlife who's best quality is that he cares about his brother, gets a twisted idea of Karma and decides that his life stinks because he's been bad. After winning a lottery, he starts trying to do good things, so more good things will happen to him. A truly inspired cast of side-kicks, foils and minor characters finds themselves tangled in his attempts to make things right. Don't Miss Moment: Earl's ex-wife Joy always has the best lines, but when "Crab Man", being put out of a van by the witness relocation program asks a question about his new identity, I almost choked on my Diet Coke. Final Word:I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this, but after a couple episodes, I was totally hooked. The current season took a turn for the blah, and might be getting better, but the first two rocked. QUANTUM LEAP (All 5 seasons available) The Lowdown: Likable physicist/genius/inventor Sam Beckett (Scott Bakula) "leaps" through time after a semi-successful test of his time-travel device, and finds himself unable to leap home. Advised by charmingly sleazy Al a Navy admiral in his own time (I believe it's set in 1995) who appears as a hologram, Sam takes over people's bodies/lives and can't move on until he fixes what went wrong the "first" time. Don't Miss Moment: Though the chilling Halloween episode really stuck with me, the end of one episode in which Al tries to retroactively save his first marriage brings me to tears every time. Final Word: Sci-Fi that really isn't, you'll be impressed with Bakula's ability to "play" whatever character he leaps into. I'm also going to recommend The Office, which I'm still catching up on, Ugly Betty, which I think only has 1 season out so far and Psych, also only one season. All three are funny, and worth your time, too.



  • At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have you watched the original British 'The Office'? While the American version has surprised it (in my opinion and to my surprise), the original is brilliant.

    Ricky Gervais' David Brent is a completely difference character than Michael Scott. David Brent is so smarmy it's painful to watch, in the good way.

    I highly recommend.

  • At 9:42 PM, Blogger Paperback Writer said…

    Solid recommendations.

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger Jami said…

    Patrick: I did watch some of the eps of the original the Office, and enjoyed it, which was why I didn't start off watching the American one, I figured they couldn't do it "right". Anyway, both are good fun.

    PW: Thanks :D Glad that you approve. You can come over and watch any of the ones I have with me. Bring pizza.


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