The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jami Will Shut Up About the TV, Already, After This Post

So the last couple of days we've covered some TV shows you can catch up on during the writer's strike. I have one more category that I'm going to just touch on - Animated, but Not For Kids: The Fox Ones: SIMSONS FUTURAMA KING OF THE HILL All three of these have a similar vibe and share some voices as well. I'd bet you've at least heard of these series and if you like one, you'll like the others. Futurama has some episdoes that will melt your heart (like "The Sting" which I can't watch without getting teary). King of the Hill is probably the most realistic one, although conspiracy theorist Dale cranks up the ridiculous factor. And, you know, the Simpsons . . .. The Simpsons and Futurama both have feature film length movies available now , too. The Comic-y Ones: THE TICK INVADER ZIM You will love (and FEAR!) Zim, an inept conquering alien and his useless, insane robot sidekick Grrr. They don't quit "get" earth, but they're trying their very best to subdue and/or destroy it. Really, I'd have to recommend both the animated AND live action versions of everyone's favorite blue superhero. The Tick is "nigh invincible" but also with the intelligence level of my favorite shoes. His adorable moth-that-looks-like-a-bunny sidekick Arthur was a paper-pusher who felt called to The Super Hero life. Dialogue like: TV show host interviewing the Tick: "What are your powers, do you suck blood?" Tick: "Eewwww, no!" Host:"Can you destroy the earth?" Tick "Egad! I hope not! That's where I keep all my stuff!" The Seriously Not For Kids Ones: SEALAB 2021 HARVEY BIRDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW From the sickos at adult swim come these two hilariously silly shows. Sealab, I'm told, had originally been an idea for a serious drama cartoon, but when no one was interested, they decided to go a year into the future when everyone had gone mad from living in a sealab. It's so wrong, and you just can not look away. Or stop laughing. Do NOT miss the Bizarro episode, but wait until you've seen a few of the actual eps, first. Also, it helps to watch this one while sleep deprived or slightly drunk. Remember the Justice League, and Birdman? Well, he's back, as a so-so attorney in a law firm full of whackos. He litigates for and against many of your favorite 70's cartoon characters. It's got a high degree of silliness, but it's still good.


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