Jami's Security Issues
The past few days I've been making the switch from summer clothes to winter, which felt strange in the upper-70's weather we've been having, but I know that if I don't do it now, I'll wake up to 3 feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures and not be able to find a single sweatshirt.
Part of my routine is to run all the clothes through a short cold water rinse cycle in the washer and then the dryer to get them all nice and smelling fresh. One of the loads yesterday contained the baby's winter blankets. I scooped them up and tossed them in without looking. And what did I find as I transferred them to the dryer? My WOOBIE!! If you're a regular reader, you'll know I struggled with whether or not to keep it, being that I'm a bit old for a security blanket, but the truth is, I kept it until it got too hot to have a fleece blanket wrapped around my head at night. The plan became: I'd throw it in with Eddie's blankets and when I got it out this fall, I'd be over the whole woobie thing. Wrong again, Jami!
I couldn't wait for the dryer to buzz and when it finally did I triumphantly freed my woobie from the pile, wrapped it around my head and shoulders burka-style and happily wore it the rest of the evening. It went back to my bed last night and is waiting for me still. I'll admit it's odd.
I've been attached to objects before, but generally only when I've been sick or had a serious stressor in my life. When I miscarried, I got super-attached to my body pillow, Madrid, and I carried him from room to room and sat or laid on him everywhere. When I had the flu, I couldn't let go of my blue beanie baby bear, and dragged him along until I didn't feel like I might die at any moment. But right now, there's nothing critical or serious going on. Sure, I have stress, but not more than any other given week. Still, I love my woobie. Yes, the normal time for having a woobie, lovie or security blanket/object is ages 2-4, and I am just a few years past that, but hey, I've never done anything the "normal" way; why start now?
Speaking of Lovies, I can't for the life of me understand why Lovie Smith's parents would name a boy that. I can see calling your baby Lovie and all sorts of other endearing cutesy nicknames, but come on! You knew that little baby was going to grow up and have to be Lovie in junior high and high school. To make matters worse, Gilligan's Island started airing when Mr. Smith was about 6 years old, with a rich white lady named Lovey. This has nothing to do with my woobie, I'm just saying.
At 7:49 PM,
Paperback Writer said…
You know...I can see you with your woobie wrapped about your head like that!
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