The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jami's Experiment

In the interest of messing with technology, I went to this site where you upload pics of you, your spouse and your kid and it tells you which parent the child resembles more. I found it thanks to the other Jami, so check out her blog, too. It's not explicitly stated, but one infers the creators of this site assume that you are biologically related to your child. This is not the case for us, of course. So, I upload a few pictures, and find out: Eddie is an almost equal mix. Or almost equally doesn't resemble either of us. In all fairness to the meter, I did have to upload two sets of photos, the first set basically blew it up and it refused to answer. Poor meter, it probably needs a nap now.

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