The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hey, Remember Me?

Hi Folks,

Sorry it's been so long! I've weritten several blogs in my head, which doesn't do us much good, I know. Anyway where have I been? The short answer is - outside. Eddie and I both had colds, and even after recovering, we were both pretty tired. When we weren't sleeping, we've pretty much been out. Walks, the park, the backyard, Eddie doesn't want to be indoors at all. Even a couple weeks ago when it rained for days, we took walks because I couldn't stand to hear "a walk? a walk? a walk?" any longer.

Even now, I hear him stirring from his nap and I know what he'll say as soon as I pick up my son, either "side play?" which means he wants to go outside and play, or "a walk?" sigh.

I have plenty to write, so if I can get him to bed tonight and not instantly fall asleep once he's out, I'll try to be back.

Eddie Playing Outside

Eddie Walking in the Rain (with Daddy)

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