The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jami's Big Day Out

This is going to be a diary-style entry, but just because I had a great fun day and don't have anything else planned to write about.

First, the Children's Museum - the Husband, Eddie and I met Eddie's Gymboree classmate Sophie and her mom for an afternoon of "educational" fun. I put the word in quotes because at his age basically everything you do teaches you something, even just spinning in a circle, and also because pretty much anything aimed at kids these days is advertised as educational, including cereal boxes and socks (I am NOT making that up). Anyway, first we explored the toddler area, which included a wall-sized Lite Brite, a nice big sand table, and most important to Eddie, three large train tables. We then moved onto the famous (or possibly infamous)Waterplay. Sophie's mom had wisely brought Sophie a bathing suit, and after surveying the entire floor of splashing, spouting and running water, we stripped Eddie to his onesie. For the next hour, the two of them devoted themselves to being as soaked as humanly possible.

We also had lunch at the museum cafe, during which time Sophie showed off by eating her entire healthy balanced meal, while Eddie ate one bite of chicken, attempted to feed Sophie the rest of his food and steal the Husband's chips. A good time was had by all.

Our family returned home long enough for me to put Eddie down for a nap, clean the bathroom and take a nap of my own, and then we dropped the boy off with my parents and hit CiCi's Pizza. If you're not familiar with this chain - it's a pizza buffet. There's also pasta and salad, but people generally take a token amount of each before stuffing themselves with slices from ordinary (pepperoni) to exotic (barbecue chicken) to just plain bizarre (mac and cheese). I like to save room for their excellent cinnamon rolls, warm and gooey, just what you need on top of a belly-full of melty cheese and crust.

Finally we met up with another couple to see Hot Fuzz which I recommend if you both like British humor and aren't squeamish. It's a riot, by the way.

So now the baby is sleeping and the Husband and I are watching Mythbusters and just chilling. It's not anything you're going to read about on Page Six, but baby, this IS the life.

Eddie at the Lite Brite:

Eddie and Sophie at Waterplay

Raiding the Gift Shop

Jami Surfing with a Penguin

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  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Adorable pics! Eddie is so cute! I love the lightbright wall too... oh, and so does Julianna. ;)

    Happy Bday to your doggy (and how neat, my boy dog is 17 lbs also full grown haha)!

    Congrats on your nephew!! :)


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