The Very Important Thoughts Of Jami

The incredible wisdom, wit and observations of Jami.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Back to the Blog

I've been away from the computer a few days, Eddie and I have been fighting a cold. I decided to skip housework and turning on the computer and instead spent the time blowing my nose, blowing his nose, medicating us and laying on the floor wishing I could breathe. When it comes to medication, I used to be of the school of thought which said you don't take anything until the symptoms you have are too bad to bear. However, several years ago, I realized I needed to treat colds the way I do pretty much everything else - aggressively. Now, at the first sign of a cold, I start my counter-offensive. I take whatever combination of meds cover all my symptoms, without being potentially lethal. I shut down all non-critical operations, to allow maximum time for rest (this is more difficult with Captain Chaos). I go to bed as early as possible. Taking medication before the cold reaches its apex means I end up with a shorter, easier to deal with cold. See, it occurred to me that one heals best during sleep. If one takes medicine, one sleeps better. Also, for a virus, it's going to run its course no matter what you take: nothing or everything. So why not lessen your suffering? You heal better when you feel better, 'tis true. So now, thanks to my mom and dad wrangling the crazy man for the afternoon, I'm caught up with the house. Here's today's blog and tomorrow I'll talk about the Walk this past weekend. Then, hopefully, I'll have time to catch up on the blog-reading, so I can find out what you're all up to. Right now, I gotta go take my NyQuil and go to bed.

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